If you've checked out my blog before you'll probably recall me mentioning something about a story I worked on along with writer David Tanh, for a futuristic fairy tale themed anthology. Well, yesterday Bleeding Cool ran a very
cool (yes that was a very dorky pun) article about it and how some publisher needs to get on the ball and publish this awesome and amazing book already! Check out said article here:
http://http//www.bleedingcool.com/2011/10/06/once-upon-a-time-machine-the-greatest-story-never-told/And you can check out (actually I demand you check this out) the Once Upon a Time Machine Facebook page setup by editor extraodinaire Andrew Carl here:
https://www.facebook.com/onceuponatimemachineNow go spread the word so we can see this thing in stores sooner than later!